Amana Tool Free Shipping

Amana Tool 47768 Ultra-Glide High Performance Ball Bearing 3/4 Overall D x 1/4 Inner D x 3/4 R x 3/4 Taper

1/4 I.D 3/4" R ULTRA-GLIDE BB.

Using the same quality standards as our regular steel bearings, these Ultra-Glideニ_ニ_ bearing assemblies feature satin-smooth Delrinニ_ sleeves. Delrinニ_ is an industrial synthetic plastic material similar to nylon, and will leave no marks on the material being cut. Applications include solid-surface materials such as Gibraltarニ_, Corianニ_, Surellニ_ & Fountainheadニ_. etc.; Plexiglasニ_ & other clear acrylics; and plastic laminates. Not recommended for regular wood applications due to a higher wear factor.

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